lørdag 25. august 2012

So we say farewell, until we meet again

So, my time on the emerald isle came to an end, for now. I've had an amazing summer, with loads of lifechanging experiences and beautiful adventure. I've spent time with two beautiful kids that I love, lived in a big house in Provence for a week with my family, felt the power of the ocean tossing me around as I practised surfing on the Irish waves, been blessed with lovely sisters and brothers in Christ, gone to a great little church, made more coffee's than I've ever made before, experienced God's faithfulness in answering prayers, got engaged to the man I love, felt the Lord fill me with His strength on numerous occasions, tasted and seen that God is good, seen Him speak through His word, walked around in the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen, lived with a french-canadian, and sold hoodies in all the colors of the rainbow.
Now the summer is over and I am back in my home country for a week, before I once again head off to England and Bible College in York.
Pictures coming up.

mandag 25. juni 2012

Postcards from far away

So, I guess it was about time I updated this blog... At the moment I am living in a small town on the westcoast of Ireland to be able to spend time with B, and his kids and to help out in the café that is ran by the church here, and soon also working in a surfshop. I love it here, it's definitly one of the top ten most beautiful places on the planet, and the church family here is truly special and have made me feel so welcome.  I came to Ireland at first to go on an outreach to Calvary Waterford with a team from my Bible College in York, UK, which was truly a blessing, then B came down and picked me up to go up to the west coast for the summer. Since then I've went surfing a few times, I've been to Dublin twice meeting B's family, gone to a wedding and seeing my grandparents who came over for a holiday. I've been to a pirate birthday party, I've gone skateboarding with my friend E, gone on a bicicle trip to the cliffs in first gear, gone on beautiful hikes and God has been teaching me a lot. In only a couple of days I'm leaving to go to France with B to meet up with my family over there, stoked! The pictures below are from a hike to Hags head with B + kids.

søndag 11. mars 2012

onsdag 7. mars 2012

onsdag 15. februar 2012

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Wow, haven't posted anything here in ages. I'm definitely not the best blogger, haha. Lots of stuf has happened since the last time I wrote. I'm now at the beginning of my second semester at Calvary Chapel Bible College in York, and the Lord is already teaching me so much. This weekend I got to experience on a deeper level of the Lord's grace and love. It's so real to me right now. I was humbled before Him, ripped of my pride and just receiving grace even though I know I'm never gonna be worthy for it. Psalm 103:11-14 says:  

For as the heavens are high above the earth. So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, So far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father who pities his children, So the LORD pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.

He really loves us so much, and there is nothing that can separate you from Him, nothing that He can't handle. When we make mistakes, He is always ready to forgive, and not to condemn us. He loves us, and everytime we fall, he sees us as these little children who are learning to walk. With His blood He has made us clean! His love for us is amazing, and if you haven't received His love and mercy into your heart, I want to encourage you to do so! It doesn't matter who we are, or what we've done, because once we turn to Him, our past is forgotten and we step into new life, and there is nothing that compares to that joy. The joy of knowing your Saviour.

Oh, and after days of biting cold in the city of York, it seems as spring is on it's way! I can't wait!

søndag 27. november 2011

May Jesus be the King of King's Lynn

Heisann! Dette innlegget kommer et par uker for seint, og mye har skjedd siden vi var på outreachweek, jeg er skikkelig dårlig med hele denne blogginga. MEN, for ca. 2 uker siden var jeg og en gruppe på 16 bibelskolestudenter på outreach til King's Lynn, en by kjent som "the armpit of England", og en by med mange knuste hjerter, ødelagte familier, incest, alkoholproblemer, prostitusjon og trafficking. Vi reiste ned dit for å hjelpe til i Calvary Chapel menigheten der, og være en støtte for Pastor Vince og Marie. Det føltes egentlig som om de var minst like stor velsignelse for oss som vi var for dem om ikke mer, da du skal lete lenge etter mer generøse, hjertelige, Jesus-elskende ektepar enn dem. De bare øste ut med visdom og erfaring til oss, og jeg føler Gud virkelig brukte denne uka til å tale til hver og en av oss.

Vi ledet lovsang, og var med på Bibel-studier, og tilbrakte mye tid med ungdommen i kirka, derav flesteparten ikke var kristne. I tillegg gikk vi ut og gate-evangeliserte, spilte lovsang på gata og fikk mange gode samtaler. Jeg fikk være med å lede en eldre dame med alkoholproblemer til Jesus, og det var utrolig stort å få se Gud forvandle et menneske fra å være fullstendig knust til å sprudle av glede. Gud er fantastisk og det er så utrolig spennende å leve et liv overgitt til Han! En av nettene gikk vi ut og delte ut vannflasker med bibelvers på til fulle folk på gata, og Madi, en av bibelskolestudentene som bor i King's Lynn møtte en gutt som hun hadde truffet på fengselsevangelisering i York, og det var virkelig et Gudfeldig møte eller "divine appointment" som vi kaller det på engelsk.

Gud er så god! Skal prøve å bli flinkere til å oppdatere:)
Salme 103:)