mandag 25. juni 2012

Postcards from far away

So, I guess it was about time I updated this blog... At the moment I am living in a small town on the westcoast of Ireland to be able to spend time with B, and his kids and to help out in the café that is ran by the church here, and soon also working in a surfshop. I love it here, it's definitly one of the top ten most beautiful places on the planet, and the church family here is truly special and have made me feel so welcome.  I came to Ireland at first to go on an outreach to Calvary Waterford with a team from my Bible College in York, UK, which was truly a blessing, then B came down and picked me up to go up to the west coast for the summer. Since then I've went surfing a few times, I've been to Dublin twice meeting B's family, gone to a wedding and seeing my grandparents who came over for a holiday. I've been to a pirate birthday party, I've gone skateboarding with my friend E, gone on a bicicle trip to the cliffs in first gear, gone on beautiful hikes and God has been teaching me a lot. In only a couple of days I'm leaving to go to France with B to meet up with my family over there, stoked! The pictures below are from a hike to Hags head with B + kids.

2 kommentarer:

  1. så fine bilder! det ser helt nydelig ut.

  2. Nesten som Jæren, jo! ;)
    Kjempefine bilder, kjære deg <3 Flinke fotografen vår :) Det så virkelig nydelig ut der. Skulle bare gjerne sett ditt nydelig ansikt også...
    Savner deg!!
    Loads of hugs and kisses <3 <3
